Home Federations Federations

List of official federations

Here is the complete list of official national footballgolf federations registered in the world within WFGA. In the case that you would like to also become an official federation, please fill out this application form.

Country Name Founder Founded Count members  
Germany 1. Deutscher Fussballgolf Verband 1. Deutscher Fussballgolf Verband 22.05.2013 585 Details
Czech Republic Czech Footgolf and Footballgolf Association Česká footgolfová a fotbalgolfová asociace, z.s. 01.01.2014 602 Details
Danmark Dansk Fodboldgolf Forening Dansk Fodboldgolf Forening 31.01.2015 680 Details
France Fédération Nationale de Footgolf Fédération Nationale de Footgolf 01.07.2020 0 Details
Slovakia Futbalgolfová asociácia Slovenska Futbalgolfová asociácia Slovenska 13.10.2016 0 Details
Hungary Hungarian Minigolf & Footballgolf Federation Hungarian Minigolf & Footballgolf Federation 01.03.2019 0 Details
Latvia Latvia Footballgolf Association IMPRESSO Ltd 11.08.2022 0 Details
Switzerland Swiss Footballgolf Association (SFGV) Schweizer FussballGolf Verband (SFGV) 07.12.2022 2 Details
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The mission of the WFGA is to connect people through Footballgolf, an exciting combination of Football & Golf. The WFGA is a non-profit organisation aiming at promoting, developing and organizing Footballgolf worldwide.

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