Home News Important information to all players regarding WC2025

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In the ranking to play World Championship 2025.
As we communicated last year, the general assembly have decided that you need to be in the ranking to play the WC in 2025. This means that you must have played at least 1 tournament during the last 2 years leading up to the tournament. The reason for this is first of all, for all players in a World Cup to know the rules. But also to try to increase the amount of players in our national tournaments.
A change in the ranking started last year, that gave all players a point when they played, even if they were last. Even players that could not finish a tournament for some reason got a point, (DNF). This did not apply for DNS.
We had a question about this: can I play single if I only entered a tournament in the double?
-No, If you only play a double you can play the double in a WC but not single.
So remember this and register for tournaments so you are sure not to miss something!!

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